Since Thursday 6 July, Davyhulme Treatment Works has experienced problems with a key process which has affected the removal and treatment of sludge from several primary settlement tanks.
Council Officers and the Environment Agency visited the site to check on odour control measures and United Utilities response to the high number of complaints. United Utilities are carrying out urgent works at the site to rectify the technical problems. They have also installed temporary plant and equipment to assist with the removal and treatment of sludge. This will reduce odour levels. However the situation may take over two weeks before it is fully resolved.
United Utilities have posted the following status on their website.
We are currently working to reduce the build-up of sludge by moving it into tanks which will significantly reduce the odour levels. Urgent maintenance work will be continuing over the next couple of weeks to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
We will be posting regular updates here on our website and on Facebook and Twitter.