Following the untimely death of Stewart Heap, Trafford Leisure Trust's Head of Operations, some services will be affected on 21st September for his funeral. George Carnall Centre will be closed between 12-3pm next Wednesday. Stretford Sports Centre will remain open with a reduced service. Thoughts go to staff and Stewart's family

Gorse Hill is a thriving Manchester neighbourhood in the borough of Trafford, giving its name to the Gorse Hill Ward alongside neighbourhoods of Lostock, Trafford Park and parts of Stretford. This site serves as an archive of news (political and local) for the main Gorse Hill Labour website. Latest Posts
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Blog Archive
- Bogus BT Cold Callers in Trafford Area
- Kate Green interviewed at Conference
- Lakes Estate Resurfacing
- Well done Lanky!!!
- Dave gets top job
- Sad death of Trafford Leisure Trust Boss
- The long fight for medical care in Lostock is won ...
- Building Trade College closes 2 years after Camero...
- Parading for Clean Air
- Planning Meeting this coming Thursday
- BBC buildings voted ugliest in Britain