Monday, 28 November 2011

Controversy at Trafford's Executive over Incinerators

Michael Young who is Trafford's man on the waste authority admitted he was volunteering sites in Gorse Hill ward and Carrngton for waste incinerators . He then blamed everyone else for not stopping him.

Local Planning and Licensing applications

Planning Page New planning applications includes 9 new houses to be developed on empty plots Derbyshire Avenue.
Licensing Page New licence application for 24/7 off sales of alchohol at garage opposite Stretford Mall

Thursday, 3 November 2011

What Can a Mayor do for your City? or when is a city mayor not a city mayor?

Are we mancunians in Gorse Hill? I've always thought of myself as a manc, but we're not going to have a say in the person who is going to fight for our city, against the elected mayors of Birmingham, Liverpool, Sheffield etc. If the mayor was just going to play the joker in a revived 'It's a Knockout!', I wouldn't mind but this is important.
Read Consultation Document

Trafford Planning Officers recommend allowing Bio Mass Plant

The report from Planning Officers to members of the Trafford's planning Committee members recommends allowing the Barton Biomass Plant to go ahead. Labour Councillors will be reading the report closely. Those not on the planning committee will be determined to ensure that the committee hears our objection.